At Diamond Reserve, we take responsibility for the way we source OUR RAW MATERIALS, distill, and deliver our demerara rums. The impact we have on the environment is just as important has the rum we make.
Our bio-methane plant converts our liquid waste from the distilling process to energy to power our distillery. Now, 55 percent of our energy comes from the biomethanisation plant. The rest of our power is fuelled by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), which emits 20% less carbon as compared to conventional diesel combustion.
We’re committed to developing the next generation of consumers and employees who will be the future of both our company and our country. Through our parent company, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), we are driven to develop and safeguard our greatest resource – our human resource. As a company, we are dedicated to ensuring that our employees are afforded opportunities to advance both personally and professionally.
The Company is also dedicated to the development of youth through Education and Sport. In 2010, we launched the DDL Foundation – a charity that supports the advancement of education, providing five-year scholarships to secondary school students. the Foundations focus is on students whose results are among the top two percentile at the local National Grade Six Examination. Awardees also benefit from a Mentorship Programme, and support as required. In 2023, the Foundation took a step forward in expanding its scholarship programme. introducing an additional area that caters to students and young people who may not have excelled but wish to pursue technical and vocational studies.
We’re committed to meeting the on-going expectations of our local and international customers by maintaining full compliance with several international standards. We are the first company in Guyana to receive ISO certification and has held continuous certification through the ISO 9001 (2015) International Quality Standard. We also subscribe to the following: Carbon Disclosure Programme (CDP), Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX), International Compliance Information Exchange (ICIX) and Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).